Change how you look at caulking

Trim Fit

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Say Goodbye to Black Mold in your Bathroom Forever.

If your like many people, it doesn’t take long to for mold to appear on new silicone caulking in bathrooms and kitchens. For some, they start seeing mold re-appear after a year or two of being replaced. This is because silicone in standing water, soap scum, & skin cells results in mold. The exposure to mold can lead to health effects such as stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and skin irritations for many people. For others who are allergic to mold, they can show signs such as fevers & shortness of breath. Keeping mold out of your house can be pain-staking, costly over time ordeal.

Another issue with silicone is that it isn’t permanent. Because it breaks down over time, this could lead to other damages due to slow leaks resulting in costly repair bills. Leaks into the foundation can breakdown drywall and if left long enough, leads to more mold.

Trim Fit is a permanent solution which is mold-free, mildew-free, and leak-free. With over 8 years of installs in Canada/USA this easy-to-install product looks professional and performs like new. For only $36.69 plus taxes, it is affordable and long lasting. This patented product is 100% sustainable and will outlast your next renovation.

Please contact us to find out how you can get Trim Fit into your house.

For you DIYers, please watch this video on how to install it yourself!

Trim Fit Product Review